Marita r. Nash

As an artist and designer, I understand the value of creating designs that promote interest, engagement, and connectivity with the viewer. I actively welcome the challenge presented by our modern world’s ever-changing technology and strive to create unique, relevant, and impactful designs.  
I am a problem solver and approach any project with an open mind and excitement to transform the thoughts and visions of my clients into reality. I bring an organized, thorough perspective to the table, while also maintaining a passionate, creative lens through which to begin exploring potential solutions. I excel at developing personal, communicative relationships, both when working one-on-one with individual clients and in the studio setting with a collaborative team. I always appreciate and am eager to receive and build off of constructive feedback.
I have experience in digital design, illustration, video animation, and photography, as well as traditional mediums such as paint and printmaking.  I view projects as exciting puzzles requiring patience, persistence, imagination, and vision to bring them together into uniquely relevant pieces of art with significance and meaning being the focal point of my designs.